Construir una base sólida para Tropicalia significa crear una red de aliados comprometidos. Tropicalia se enorgullece de sus relaciones con estas organizaciones, y continuará buscando establecer alianzas exitosas por muchos años más.
To restore and protect Playa Arriba, in 2016 Fundación Tropicalia partnered with local businesses, authorities and community members to form the Playa Arriba Administration Committee. In 2017, the Committee organized two clean-up days, one in the framework of the International Coastal CleanUp Day and the other after Hurricane Maria. The Miches Municipality led both events with the support of Committee members. Moreover, Fundación Tropicalia established six puntos verdes or ‘green points’ on the beach, donating up to twelve trash bins and working with local artisans to create educational and welcome signage. Fundación Tropicalia contributed US$3,300 to these activities.