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Global Reporting

This is our second year referencing the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G-4 standards in our Sustainability Report. GRI is an international independent organization pioneering sustainability reporting since the late 1990s ( www.globalreporting.org). This material references the G-4 GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards (2016), is self-assured, and has been reviewed and validated by a carefully selected stakeholder panel that includes an independent third-party verifier, The Ocean Foundation.

Our GRI Content Index

The following index includes the GRI Standards referenced in this reporting period, January 1st through December 31st, 2017. The Standards selected were determined in accordance with Tropicalia and Fundación Tropicalia’s materiality assessment processes. Our content index also refers to the indicators of our Sustainability Management System, and UNGC’s 10 principles. Our customized index allows us to better track our sustainability efforts and provides our audience with a more integral snapshot of our multilevel commitments toward sustainable development and our interrelated efforts for advancing the objectives that such pledges imply.

Looking Forward

2017 was a pivotal year for Tropicalia and its foundation - Fundacion Tropicalia. With novel and pronounced interest in our project from international development lenders, sustainability has never been more at the center of everything we do.