Building a strong foundation for Tropicalia means creating a thoughtful, engaged network of partners.
”At Tropicalia, we believe that a successful business must be built upon activities that generate real positive impact in surrounding communities. That’s why we’ve always understood that engaging civil society and key actors through partnerships and collaborations is fundamental to guarantee sustainability and pursue our vision of the future.”
– William Phelan, Vice President and General Manager, Tropicalia
Building a strong foundation for Tropicalia means creating a thoughtful engaged network of partners.
”At Tropicalia, we believe that a successful business must be built upon activities that generate real positive impact in surrounding communities. That’s why we’ve always understood that engaging civil society and key actors through partnerships and collaborations is fundamental to guarantee sustainability and pursue our vision of the future.”
– William Phelan, Vice President and General Manager, Tropicalia
This is our second year referencing the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G-4 standards in our Sustainability Report. GRI is an international independent organization pioneering sustainability reporting since the late 1990s (